Wisps of Ideas

One summer’s day at Chinamans beach, I watched amazed as tiny wisps of nearly nothing swirled together to become a significant cloud.  I’d never noticed a cloud appear from nothing before and marvelled at the process.

This metaphor neatly describes my experience over the past six months.  From a wisp of an idea last year, sixteen excited souls have swirled together to form a Salon for Social Entrepreneurs, in conjunction with the Centre for Social Impact, UNSW.

I have the great fortune to be co-facilitating alongside Cheryl Kernot from the Centre, who proposed the idea and is contributing pro bono time to the Salon, and Julian Noel, whose Aware Business Community generated many of the connections to budding social entrepreneurs.

Stay tuned for some exciting developments, the first being the launch of “Wake Up Sydney” a venture founded by Salon member Jonathon Fisher.

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